Sunday, April 15, 2007

PIn hole Mk3 AND my Pic'o'the'Week

Two for the price of one! I've done some tweaking on my recently build Loch-Lomo(aka Agfa Clack Pinhole conversion) I thought i had the pinhole a wee bit big at about .5ish mm.
Some quick Googling about Focal Lenghts vs Pinhole sizes came up with some interesting answers and programmes to calculate the correct size and another 10 minutes later i had reduced the aperture to around .36mm . In terms of cameras it's still way short of .376mm that is the ideal for the 72mm focal length of the agfa , but it will suffice(i know, i know , i'm german, and we are precise and fastidious and accurate blah blah blah......but if i wanted accurate and really good engineering I would buy a Leica. But then again, the pinhole is designed to be a little soft and gentle; so it would still fall into the above'i'm german etc' category as a precision instrument that does exactly what it is designed to do...quid pro quo, status quo is maintained...ergo: i'm happy!)
For this weeks edition of POTHW I have used one of my test shots from my tweaked pinhole camera 30 second exposure on TMX100, developed in d76(1:3, 15min) scanned and just slightly adjusted curves as the image was just a little too bright and sharpened to compensate for the scanner. all in all an acceptable result for me. next step is a few rolls of colour

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Basic Techniques of Photography

Well, out of all of the books that i have collected the book with the above title is the probably the best that i have come across so far. Easy to understand. At around 380 pages in A4, it's not a lightweight but it was worth every cent. Written by John Schaefer, it is a guide to Ansel Adams(my hero and inspiration). it looks at Ansel's techniques and quotes Ansel's personal approach and thoughts. But it does not focus on Ansel alone, but looks at how others have taken pictures. A relatively easy read, it has explained some of the mysteries surrounding the dark art of Photography. While i'm starting to focus on Black & White , and the book goes into great detail, it does also cover the aspects of Colour.
In my opinion, for the Amateur, this is the book to have and learn from.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Benefits of Being Prepared...

Well, I've just spent the last 4 days wandering around in the bush, lugging $Deity knows how much photographic equipment with me. My first day out gave me the ideal opportunity to reflect on how important it is to prepare properly for a photographice trip.

I'd arrived at the the start of the walk, and was waiting for my walking companions to arrive, so I took the opportunity to make sure that everything was in order. I probably should have done that before I left home, as I discovered that while I had printed out 2 extra log sheets, I'd neglected to pack the film to go with them.

One swift bout of kicking myself later, I checked how many photos I'd already taken, and discovered that I only had 11 photos for the four days of walking. So, lesson number one, don't leave packing your gear until 5:30 am the morning you head off walking...

I always try and get something positive out of every bad experience, so I thought long and hard about what this lack of film was going to force me to do. Simply, I'd have to restrict how many photos I took each day, and make sure that the photos I did take were going to be worth the effort. This turned out to be a handy piece of forced discipline, as I now declined to take what may well have been several less than spectacular shots.

Now all I need to do is continue that frame of mind to when I do have all the film that I intend to pack, and I'll be set...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

pic-o-the-week 04/04/07

well, here is one i prepared earlier.... i have been fiddling around with a spare agfa clack camera and converted it to a pin hole camera.. very interesting little side project. i have not quite gotten used to the loooong exposure times , but it certainly makes for some interesting imaging.
i will take a few more test pictures as i believe that i can do better, but by the same token i'm in two minds as to redo the pin hole whith a thinner foil or weather to keep the current set up...