Well what can i say..i thought it's about time we had a little technobabble so here it is. I have a new love affair and she is a Russian Beauty... actually i have several russian beauties that i regularly fiddle with....but this particular one i forgot i even had! Some time ago i bought a set of extension bellow and a M42 Lens to go with it; spend around $30.00AUS and never thought much about it until the other day I realised that it was a Helios 44-4 Lens. So i had another close look at it and it's simply a beautiful Lens(for the money i paid for it) So i coupled it with a set of Auto Extension rings and coupled it with my *ist and did some quick Test Shots...I just tidied them up a little in photoshop( i've a little bit of dust on the sensor ) but other than that that the lens is a superb performer. Images were taken in the shade at Auto Exposure and at f16. So this is my SOTW for this month. The white flower is a potato creeper , the flower is about 2cm across and the other shot is of a Aloe Vera Flower stalk. And to my constant surprise the manual lenses are continually outperforming my modern lenses....