Monday, December 18, 2006

Splendiferous images

I friendly reader kindly Pointed out that , seeing this a Photography Blog there is a distinct lack of , well, Photos!
This is something we shall remedy in future in the words of Tom Lehrer; Be Prepared...!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Depth of Field

One of the more challenging concepts to get right in my own mind were the principles of depth of field.
as far as light fitting the film is concerned it's swings and roundabouts.
I.e. a given large aperture and fast speed is the equivalent of a given small aperture and slow speed, as long as the same amount of light hits the film it will be exposed to the same degre(more or less)
DoF is a concept that i read and read about but did not grasp until i did a test shoot
and then things all fell into place
I guess it's something that one has to see and and get a feel for in a hands on approach otherwise all the theory becomes just words on paper
Once i develop the B&W studies that i did today i think i will a have a clearer and simpler comprehension of DoF

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I've got the Clack...

No, I don't have some exotic disease, but I do have a rather peculiar addiction to the latest addition to my collection of cameras, an Agfa Clack (see this post about the Clack). To look at, the Clack's not a very sophisticated camera, it's got a fixed shutter speed, a choice of 2 apertures or a close up lens. It's also about 40-50 years old. But for all that, it's a neat little camera to use.

I'm just in the process of scanning in the first roll of film I took with it. All in all, it hasn't turned out too bad. I've had some issues with getting exposures right, as the Clack was designed to be used with 50 iso film, and I only have 100 iso. In theory a neutral density filter would fix that problem up, but the filter I've experimented with is apparently a 2 stop filter, where I need a 1 stop filter. Still, there are ways around that, too...