Well this nifty little thing is not a prop from a recent Star Wars movie but a rangefinder attachment for Zone Focus cameras.. making life a little easier to get the 'correct' focus. The question arises what is correct focus? A lot of people today with their Auto focus this and auto exposure that miss out on this wonderful thing called zone focus.While it's another way of getting your focus right it does presume on a knowledge of how to us depth of field. In days gone by when Zone focus was King, people did it with out thinking; it was part and parcel of how one took pictures. I think as cameras have become more and more advanced , while a lot more people are taking a lot more Photos (as photography has become more and more accessible to more and more people..as we see what has happened to digital photos) and a lot of people are taking stunning images, a purist might argue that the more advanced the cameras become the less creative (en mass) the average photographer has become. True while it's easier to take pictures today and one does not have to think about it too much part of the magic of photography to me is the process of thinking about and setting up the shot. That does not mean that i don't use a digital camera to more or less point and shoot, far from it. Like anything , there are times when you you go say , MacDonalds and have a meal without having to think about things; at other times when you will go to a 5 Star Restaurant and indulge in a passionate Hand made Dinner. The same applies to Photography, except that a roll of film is usually cheaper than a 5 Star Dinner and probably has less calories than anything you'd get from McDonald's.
So Zone Focus needs a little care and thinking about , and in some respects it does give one more margin to play with. It certainly is a more creative approach, I think
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